Introduction to the Australian Curriculum: The ArtsRich in tradition, the arts play a major role in the development and expression of cultures and communities, locally, nationally and globally. ( Australian Curriculum ) In the Australian Curriculum, The Arts is a learning area that draws together related but distinct art forms. While these art forms have close relationships and are often used in interrelated ways, each involves different approaches to arts practices and critical and creative thinking that reflect distinct bodies of knowledge, understanding and skills. The curriculum examines past, current and emerging arts practices in each art form across a range of cultures and places. The Australian Curriculum: The Arts comprises five subjects:
RationaleThe arts have the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging them to reach their creative and expressive potential. The five arts subjects in the Australian Curriculum provide opportunities for students to learn how to create, design, represent, communicate and share their imagined and conceptual ideas, emotions, observations and experiences. ' Music is like a doctor - listening to music is part of my resistance' - Refugee Moz Azimi on music, friends and finding freedom | One Plus One at 15.42. | Music and Social EducationCelebrating the Songs of the Civil Rights Movement: Visual Art and Social Education